Benefits McGuire Memorial.
Draws 02/21/09!
Raffle Benefits

McGuire Memorial, a ministry of the Felician Sisters located in Western Pennsylvania, provides outstanding educational and therapeutic services for individuals from pre-school through adulthood with mental retardation who may be medically fragile, and other developmental disabilities which may include cerebral palsy, and autism. Services and supports include main campus residential, community homes, respite care, a licensed School, and adult day programs. The proceeds from this Mini Cooper Raffle will go to benefit the expansion of The School at McGuire Memorial. Specifically to help build and outfit 10 new classrooms with equipment specialized for use by kids and
adults with severe and multiple disabilities. Programs for both physical and occupational therapy at will also benefit from this Mini Cooper Car Raffle.
Raffle Car Details
By purchasing a ticket for this raffle you get the chance at one of two brand new 2009 Mini Coopers! Both a 2009 Mini Cooper S and a 2009 Mini Cooper Clubman are offered.
Raffle Tickets and Contact Information
This raffle draws on 02/21/09 and tickets cost $25 each or $100 for five. Contact info and online ticket purchase can be found at Also, be sure to check out the website for McGuire Memorial and see what these good folks do for both kids and adults in need of a hand.