The Mahwah Municipal Alliance, Inc., Mahwah, New Jersey, was originally established in 1985 under the leadership of then Mahwah Police Chief Samuel Alderisio. Chief Alderiso’s vision was to bring a substance abuse program into Grades 5, 7 and 10 by using trained, experienced police officers. The intention was to provide age appropriate teaching about tobacco, drug and alcohol abuse, avoiding violence as a means of conflict resolution, building self-esteem, and showing the consequences of positive decision making. In addition, the effort was designed to show law enforcement in positive roles. Since its inception, thousands of Mahwah children have participated and successfully interacted with dedicated officers of the Mahwah Police Department. One of the flagship programs are the Police Academy and Youth Leadership Academy. Today, the Mahwah Municipal Alliance offers many programs and initiatives with a focus on critical social issues. This includes: Substance Abuse, Bullying, Cyber Safety, Mental Health and much more. Our mission is to help our youth make better decisions.
The MMA is a 501 c3 non-profit organization.