Clarence Rotary Club Foundation, Clarence, NY;
In keeping with Rotary’s program of continuing education for old and new members, it was decided to give a history of CRF, Clarence Rotary Foundation. This is not to be confused with Rotary International Foundation, which is also a first class fund that should be contributed to each year, so Paul Harris awards can be continued and world charities helped.
Our CRF is locally owned and operated, and chances are good, as a member of Rotary, you will at some time serve on this Board. This foundation, still in its infancy, was founded on May 4, 1988.
The Clarence Rotary Foundation seeks to exemplify Rotary’s highest ideal “Service Above Self”. The Foundation hopes to make that ideal a reality through its direct financial support of worthy charitable and educational projects.
Therefore, the Mission of the Clarence Rotary Foundation is to establish, foster, and encourage programs that have a positive, lasting impact in promoting greater understanding between people.
a 501 c 3 organization (A Not-For-Profit Corporation)