All raffles on this website are posted free of charge!
The Bottom Line: | FREE! |
Easy, right? So What’s the catch? All we ask is a mention on Facebook or Twitter, tell your friends and co workers, or, best of all, grab a badge and link to our site!! | |||
*You must supply a raffle organization website to link to. We provide a link to your website for ticket sales and additional information. provides online advertising and exposure only. does not handle any ticket sales or monies or disputes of any kind whatsoever. We will not link directly to a pay portal. We do not run the raffle for you. Think of this just like you would a traditional newspaper ad.
Get your raffle posted! Here’s all I need…
1. Contact information on your organization including full name, website address, physical address, main phone number, mailing address (if different) and classification (i.e. 501(c)(3)).
2. Contact information for the Raffle Contact person including name, email, phone, position.
3. All details on the raffle itself including drawing date, last day to buy tickets, website address, ticket price, number of tickets to be sold, and so on.
4. Please attach photo(s) of raffle prize to email or note if they are already on your website.
5. The permit and/or license number of the raffle from your state/county if applicable.
6. Details on the prize car (make, model, year). The more information you have on the prize car the better! I’ll post as much information on your car as you have so send it on over (or note it’s on your website).
7. (Sorry about items #7 and #8 but you know how it is) By submitting your information to, and/or having your raffle posted, you attest that your raffle is legal and valid, that all information you provide is true and valid, that your organization has obtained all necessary governmental permits/licenses/permission to hold a raffle in your state/county/town and that this site is simply providing free advertising with no responsibility or liability for anything of any kind.
8. By submitting your information to, and/or having your raffle posted, you understand that has the right to not post a raffle for any reason and/or to remove a raffle for any reason, or no reason, at anytime. will at no time ever knowingly post a false, invalid or misleading raffle. Further you understand that is not responsible for anything, at any time, for any reason.
9. Is this an annual or semi-annual fundrasier? Tell us what date you typically kickoff your annual or semi annual raffle. Does your organization always start selling tickets in the spring, for example? We want to know when to check in with you next year for your next fundraiser.
So…send an email to Bill Sr…

…with the required information. Thanks it!
Thanks for your interest in the site, let know what I can do and best of luck with your fundraiser!
Bill Sr. & Bill Join us on Facebook and follow along on Twitter @billyraffle