Traverse City’s Grand Traverse Area Catholic School is a private school serving students in grades PK-12. It is coed and Roman Catholic affiliated.
Some 90+% of our students participate in extracurricular opportunities including athletics, drama, dance team, marching and concert band, Key Club, choir and much more! These programs seek to instill self-discipline, team-building, self-confidence and school pride while engaging students in wholesome, enjoyable activities. A myriad of sports options exist for boys and girls, freshman through varsity levels.
College choices of recent graduates include Northwestern Michigan College, Central Michigan University, Michigan State University, the University of Michigan, Aquinas College, Alma, Albion, Hope, Notre Dame, Carnegie-Mellon, Dartmouth, the Naval Academy and the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.
Admissions counselors have made it clear to us that our students perform better than the average, have fewer dropouts, and are better prepared for the pace and demands of academics.
In conjunction with our parents, Saint Francis seeks to produce life-long learners and contributors with a sound foundation of faith. Over 125 years of graduating classes will attest to our strong tradition in accomplishing this goal. We invite you to explore what Saint Francis has to offer your child. Call us today!
This year is the 31st year for the Gladhander event. Established in 1983, the Gladhander is a formal event complete with silent and live auctions, and online auction, and a raffle for a brand new car! Since the first Gladhander, the event has raised over $8.7 million for GTACS, a significant contribution in providing a Christ-centered, quality education for our students.