Great Lakes Jeep Jam, Erie, Pennsylvania, has grown from just an idea to have a few Jeeps at Gears-N-Grub to a full out Jeep Event. #GLJJ has taken on a life of its own.
A LOT of exciting events are planning for this year’s GLJJ. From the exciting Jeep Obstacle Course, the Mud Pit, Poker Runs to the local Wineries, Vendors from around the country, to family events like the RC Rock Crawl Course and the Pedal Power Course built just like the big one.
CamperLand – the campgrounds will be open right at the event site for you to bring your camper, RV or Jeep Camper and hang out with all of your friends and make some great memories.
note: Erie Jeep People is one of the largest & oldest Jeep Club in the tri-state area. If you own a Jeep, then this is the club for you. EJP has other events throughout the year, from trail rides to fundraisers to parades.
a 501 (c)3