The Most Holy Rosary Church, Evansville, Indiana, of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church traces its roots to a group of 61 charter members petitioning Bishop Henry Grimelsman in 1950 for creation of a new parish on Evansville’s growing east side.
Holy Rosary began the construction of its temporary church building that same year. With the “temporary” building having lasted more than 45 years (58 years as of this writing), it was renovated in 1995 and is now utilized by the parish school as a computer lab, science lab, and library. In 1975, the first Mass was said in the new and permanent Holy Rosary Church.
Today, Holy Rosary is the second largest parish in the Diocese of Evansville, with more than 1200 registered families and 3300 parishioners calling the parish their own. Holy Rosary is a faith community of disciples of Jesus Christ. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we seek to know, love, and serve God on our pilgrim journey to the kingdom of heaven.