The Rocky Point Fire Department, Rocky Point, NY., is a duly chartered and incorporated fire department/ambulance company in the state of New York with facilities located at 14 Hallock Landing Road, Rocky Point, New York, 90 King Road Rocky Point, New York, and 47 Route 25A Shoreham, New York. This organization serves the general area of Rocky Point and Shoreham.
It is the mission of the Rocky Point Fire Department to provide emergency services within its response area, as follows
Fire suppression in all structures in the service area Emergency Medical Services at the ALS level in the service area Hazardous materials incidents at the response-awareness level in the service area Ice and water rescues in the service area Provide mutual aid assistance within our training and capabilities
The Rocky Point Fire Department will not take mitigating actions at any emergencies not covered within the scope of this organizational statement. The Rocky Point Fire Department will respond to such incidents and take appropriate action to secure the area, deny entry, and call for the appropriate resources trained to handle the given emergency.