The Brevard Alzheimer’s Foundation, Melbourne, FL, founded in 1995, is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Donations and services stay in Brevard County, serve local residents and are fully tax-deductible. With an annual operating budget of $4.9 million dollars and over 80 employees, the Brevard Alzheimer’s Foundation served over 2,000 families last year. Our organization is unique among other charitable organizations because over 90% of our revenue comes directly from services provided and not from fundraising.
Our Mission – To provide quality community and facility based services to frail adults and caregivers. An emphasis is placed on Alzheimer’s or Dementia Related Diseases (ADRD) through care management, adult day care, transportation, and home-based services.
Our Vision – All frail adults and caregivers will be safe, healthier and age with dignity.