The Morris Lions Club, Morris, Illinios,
Since 1917, Lions have met the needs in their communities and continued to improve the areas in which they live.
The Morris Lions are a group of volunteer citizens, from a wide range of professions, trades, and ages, united in many causes. LIONS are apolitical, nonsectarian, and do not base membership on race, creed or color.
We are men and women who volunteer our time and talents to humanitarian causes in the local and worldwide communities. By conducting service projects and raising funds, LIONS strive to help those in need, wherever need exists. We have fun and fellowship, but most importantly, we serve our community. YOU can too!
The Morris Lions Club is a 65 member volunteer organization whose major emphasis is on helping the visually and hearing impaired. In addition, many other community activities and services are done each year.
We meet all sorts of needs, from assisting the elderly to helping victims of natural disasters.
a 501 (c) (3)