Prize Details
1963 Studebaker Avanti ser # R4242 R-1, PS, Power Turner disc brakes, Auto, A/C
( as of 5/13/2013 -- 2,359 tickets remain out of 4,000 total tickets -- )
( as of 6/19/2013 -- 2,007 tickets remain out of 4,000 total tickets -- )
( * ) ( as of 10/03/2013 -- only 900 tickets remain out of 4,000 total tickets -- )
( *+ ) ( as of 11/16/2013 - less than 500 tickets remain out of 4,000 total tickets - )
( +* ) ( as of 12/08/2013 - less than 350 tickets remain out of 4,000 total tickets - )
( * ) ( as of 12/15/2013 - less than 300 tickets remain out of 4,000 total tickets )
( * ) ( as of 12/20/2013 - less than 189 tickets remain out of 4,000 total tickets )
( * ) ( as of 1/04/2014 - less than 60 tickets remain out of 4,000 total tickets )
AS OF 1/06 /2014 ALL TICKETS ARE SOLD OUT for the AVANTI. -- Check the website for the 3/07/2015 drawing for the 1951 Studebaker Commander Land Cruiser. --
Tickets and Contact Information
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(This Raffle has been seen 12,828 times since being posted January 12th, 2013)