Darien VFW Memorial Post 2838, Darien, Illinois: The purpose of this raffle is to raise money
for a down payment to build a new home for our post.
Every year the Darien Lions Club provides food baskets to those in need at Christmas time and every year the Darien VFW happily supports their efforts.
ATTENTION LADIES…the Darien VFW has approved and endorsed the establishment of a Ladies Auxiliary to our post!! This is an exciting opportunity for you to join other ladies who wish to support veterans and the community.
WE CAN HELP- Comrades and friends, the Darien VFW Post 2838 is collecting donations that will be delivered to the victims of the 11/17 Illinois tornadoes. Supplies and monetary donations are desperately needed; checks can be made out to the Darien VFW or Team Rubicon (a veteran run disaster relief team). 11/21/2013