Mike’s A-Ford-able Parts, Maysville, Georgia, is sponsoring another Raffle this year. A 1930 Model “A” Ford Tudor Sedan will be raffled off on December 31st, 2014. Tickets are $25.00 each and all proceeds benefit The Wounded Warrior Project. You do not have to be present to win. For Wounded Warrior returning from active duty around the world, the most difficult part of homecoming is adapting to the daily challenges of everyday life. The Wounded Warrior Project’s mission is to provide tangible, practical support for the wounded – helping them to heal both physically and mentally. To learn more about The Wounded Warrior Project go to www.woundedwarriorproject.org. In the last 4 years, Mike’s has donated over $75,000 to the Wounded Warrior Project through our Raffles. This year the sky is the limit!!! So, contact Mike’s “A” Fordable Parts and order your raffle tickets TODAY!
(www.Mikes-AFordable.com) specializes in Model A Ford parts. With over 5,000 Model A parts available, Mike’s has the most complete line of parts for your Model A Ford you will find. Trust Mike’s for all your Model A Ford parts needs.